25th May to 15th June 2003
Private View, Sat 24th May 2003, 6pm
Matt Calderwood has put together another ‘electric’ tension building movie moment as he risk his delicate hands with a homemade acid filled guillotine.
Brian Dawn Chalkley brings his erotic transvestisism to The Ship which until recently was a dodgy strip club. His video was made on the opening night. He gives a monologue to a missing bar tender concerning the old ins and outs of a Hackney tranny.
Paul McDevitt's Maple trees, station entrance, heavy metal cover, medieval post cold war bunker is a colourful bonfire of children’s art equipment.
Dick Evans has made his favourite women from 80s slasher film out of clay. Sculpting and rephotographing these objects of love and hate from the specially picked film stills.
Luke Gottelier has made a swimming pool out of what I think is sun cream and a towel, but I’m not sure.
Ben Judd has created a nice slide show from photographic backdrops and has asked the nice lady from the Tate that describes work to the blind for a description.
Ian Kiaer has got a bit carried away with modernist architecture and balls.
Ed Lipski is dark; in fact so dark you can hardly see his skinned Bambi drawing.
Rut Blees Luxembourg references local politics and Mosley’s crowning moment in the Cable street riot with a giant steel fist normally used for handling super sharp blades in abattoirs.
Goshka Macuga has made drawings!
Milly Thompson has used a still from a Woody Allen film that is all about polite interior design. The woman seems to be slightly pre-occupied with the relationship between her new hair-do and a vase.
John William Weeden is really drunk and sings country songs.
Richard Wright has done a bit of site-specific vandalism by plastering his delicate prints on the front of the pub.